Sunday, 27 December 2015

Pom Poms!

During the last week of term Purple Class learned how to make pom pom decorations. They made it look easy but it takes lots of patience and concentration!

Christmas Show

Thank you so much to all the parents and carers who came to watch our fantastic Christmas Show. We really hope you enjoyed our class song, 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas'. Purple class worked so hard rehearsing their song and making their snowflake costumes. Well done!!

Christmas Lanterns

In Maths, Purple Class measured strips of coloured paper to make Christmas lanterns, which we used to decorate our classroom.

Thursday, 19 November 2015


For the next two weeks Year 2 Purple are learning all about poetry. First, we worked in groups to perform different poems with actions.

We have looked at lots of different poems including silly poems and shape poems and have been learning about the different features of poetry including rhyme, repetition and alliteration.

We looked at a particularly beautiful poem by Kit Wright called 'The Magic Box' and then we had a go at writing our own.

Visit from the farm

Year 2 Purple got me meet a variety of farm animals and learn about how they are used and cared for. We then made a class information book about farm animals as part of our unit on non-fiction texts.

Bollywood Workshop

We also had a Bollywood dance workshop where Purple Class got to show off their moves!

African Drumming Workshop

 We were lucky to have an African drumming workshop with a specialist drumming teacher. Year 2 Purple have rhythm!

Trip to Kew Gardens

We went on a wonderful trip to Kew Gardens as part of our rainforest topic. We got to see a huge variety of plants and were lucky enough to see a water dragon too. You don't see one of those everyday!

Purple Class are also extremely brave, as we all survived the 18m high tree top walkway...we won't be doing that again in a hurry!!

Food Chains and International Dress

In science we have been learning about food chains. We acted out different simple food chains that we might find in the rainforest and as a class we tried worked out what food chain each group was representing. I wonder if you can work it out too?!

It also happened to be International Day and so Purple Class were dressed beautifully in clothes from different countries. Enjoy!

Passport Day!

Passport Day!
To celebrate Black History Month children went to different classes across the school to learn about famous black scientists and inventors. We learnt about Alexander Ashbourne, who invented the biscuit cutter. We used biscuit cutters to shape play dough and design biscuit decorations.

Community Quilt

As part of Black History Month, Year 2 Purple were inspired by African fabrics and we used these to learn about shapes and symmetry in Maths. We then cut out shapes to make our own quilt! Each class at Queensbridge made their own section so that we can put them together to make a community quilt!


Welcome to Year 2 Purple's class blog! We will post some of the fantastic learning and fun that we get up to at Queensbridge. We hope you enjoy it! Feel free to add comments and questions and we will try and get back to you as soon as possible.