Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Today we mastered the practical skills of grating, slicing and assembling ingredients to make a Salmagundy! This is a Victorian salad that was often eaten with afternoon tea. The salad is made in a teacup and then turned upside down to make a beautiful layered salad. We all worked fantastically in our groups and enjoyed eating our salads.


Happy New Year!

We celebrated Chinese New Year with a special workshop. Children got to try on the dragon mask and perform a special dance!


We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in class. First we tried to sort our shpes into Venn diagrams and then we worked in pairs to build shapes using straws and polydron.


So much amazing homework has been brought into Purple Class!! Thanks so much for working so hard and please keep sharing your home learning with us!!

 Healthy plates of food.

 We got to see a Victorian house and many children have been baking!

We even had a dinosaur fact sheet brought in, as we had been reading about fossils during guided reading!

R.E Trip

Purple Class have been learning about Christianity during R.E lessons and were lucky enough to visit a local church to learn about baptism.

Dog Trust

We had another visit from the lovely Dog Trust who taught us how to look after dogs and be dog smart.

History of Queensbridge

Our topic this half term has been 'The History of Queensbridge'. We found out that our school was built in the Victorian times and have been finding out what school was like for children growing up during this time. We had a pretend Victorian lesson where we used slate and chalk instead of paper, children could not speak unless spoken to by an adult and had to stand whenever an adult came into the room!

Here are some quotes from the children:

"I liked it becuase I liked using chalk and I liked how strict Dr Marozzi was being!"

"I think it was much worse to be a child at Victorian School, as there were no pencils and you couldn't go to the toilet and you couldn't use your left hand."

Julia Donaldson

During our first weeks back during Spring Term we studied stories by Julia Donaldson.
We read 'Room on the Broom' and used freeze frames to act out the main parts of the story.
Can you guess which characters our children were playing?!