Saturday, 30 April 2016

Balloons of hope!

Purple class thought about different hopes and wishes they have for the future. We attached our ideas to balloons and set them free! I am so impressed by the compassionate and caring hopes Purple Class have. Many messages included hopes that wars would end, children wouldn't go hungry, rainforests and our planet would be cherished and that refugees would be looked after. Keep your eye out for our white balloons of hope floating by!

Trip to the National Gallery

As part of our Journeys topic this half term we went to the National Gallery. We looked at three key paintings showing different types of journeys: by boat, donkey and train! After lunch we also went to look at 'Tiger in a Tropical Storm' by Rousseau, as we had studied this marvellous painting during our rainforest topic and we managed to have a quick look at Van Gogh's sunflowers too!